
About Me

I’m currently a software engineer working in the Philadelphia metro area. Professionally, I develop service-oriented applications with Java and Ruby on Rails. My work is mostly back end, but I have some experience in developing responsive web content with React and Bootstrap.

A brief rundown of my skill set, from both personal and professional experience:

Languages: Java, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL

Tools: Ruby on Rails, Git, Node.js, GNU/Linux, Jenkins, Jira

Knowledge: Agile, OOP, MVC, Functional Programming

If you’re interested in contacting me, send an email to

2019, Ian Wright. ⚖ MIT

About Me

I’m currently a software engineer working in the Philadelphia metro area. Professionally, I develop service-oriented applications with Java and Ruby on Rails. My work is mostly back end, but I have some experience in developing responsive web content with React and Bootstrap.

A brief rundown of my skill set, from both personal and professional experience:

Languages: Java, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL

Tools: Ruby on Rails, Git, Node.js, GNU/Linux, Jenkins, Jira

Knowledge: Agile, OOP, MVC, Functional Programming

If you’re interested in contacting me, send an email to